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  • Writer's picturerae martinez

How to Adult: Parallel parking

The seven steps to parking success

As an adult, there are a couple of things you need to have down, parallel parking is one of them. 

Parallel parking is a hard skill to master and that is okay. 

Whether you’ve been driving for a while or if it’s your first time, these steps will take your parallel parking skills to a whole new level. 

First, find the right parking spot. You do not want to parallel park into just any parking spot; find a spot that is at least one and one half the size of your vehicle. 

Or, you can pull up next to the parking spot and see whether your vehicle fits, then get your vehicle in position. 

Second, signal and assume position. After you have located a spot, you want to approach it slowly with your indicator or signal on to let others know you are about to park and which way you are parking. 

Third, check your surroundings. This is an important step as you do not want to put yourself or others in danger. 

Check your mirror and make sure no one is approaching. Make sure to also keep an eye on the parked cars to avoid hitting them.

Fourth, start reversing and turn the wheel. Line up your car’s rear bumper as close as possible to the vehicle parked in front of you, assuming there is one. 

Make sure your car is in reverse! Again, you want to avoid accidents. Reverse slowly until the middle of your car lines up with the other car’s rear bumper. 

Fifth, head towards the curb (carefully). Turn your steering wheel all the way to the direction of the curb to position your car to a 45-degree angle. 

Continue until you can see the headlights of the car behind you in the driver’s-side mirror. 

Sixth, straighten out and turn the wheel the other way. Once you are at your 45-degree angle mark, unwind your wheel and line up your window pillar to the brake light of the other vehicle. Essentially, you are about a foot backwards.

Seventh, unwind the steering wheel the other way, straighten out and continue backing. 

At this point, you should already be parked (congratulations!). However, it is not over yet.

After you have parked, fix yourself. Move forward or backward if you need to. 

Leave a good space between the vehicles in front and behind you so everyone can leave with ease. 

Truth be told, it takes a while to get the hang of it; but don’t fret, practice makes perfect.  

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