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  • Writer's picturerae martinez

Act your age; it is not that hard

Working in the food service industry made me realize that people seem to forget what manners are when they enter a restaurant and order.

Not only do they bring their wallets, but they also bring in a sense of entitlement.

Make no mistake, not everyone is like this, but there are far too many people, especially the older demographic who walk in and expect to be treated like royalty.

I am well aware that there is no actual rule that says customers should treat employees with respect, but these are the same people who spent half of our lives telling us to, “treat people the way you would like to be treated.”

I’ve only had three encounters with unfriendly customers, but that was already too much for me. I worked long-hour shifts at an understaffed restaurant where I got paid minimum wage.
I did not have time to take lunch breaks due to how packed the restaurant got, yet customers still got frustrated at my coworkers and I for taking too long?

Even worse, for defending ourselves from their condescending comments?

The food is not going anywhere, and the restaurant is not closing down anytime soon, so there is no need to treat employees like they are beneath you.

These are the individuals who are preparing your food, and you think it’s okay to treat them with such hostility?

I am more than sure that is not the way you speak to a loved one, and if it is, I am deeply sorry for them.

Please try to empathize with individuals who work in the food service industry when they say they are doing the best they can.

If you are not willing to empathize, pick up a job application.

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