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  • Writer's picturerae martinez

Be responsible, take care of your pets

I have to endure the blazing summer heat everyday as I walk to work. Whether I wear shorts or jeans, I sweat enough to fill up an entire swimming pool. I love walking; it is the heat I cannot tolerate.
If I am not equipped to handle an eight minute walk under the sun, I cannot help but imagine what the pets whose owners leave outside must feel.

Every year around this time, I see videos of dogs being rushed to the hospital because they are experiencing seizures caused by their time left out in extreme weather conditions. These heartbreaking videos are harsh proof of the reality some dogs face.

It is common knowledge that high temperatures can cause your pets to experience a life-threatening heatstroke if their owners are not careful enough. Yet, I still see dogs tied outside in this heat, left to bear it alone.

I am aware that I may not know the entire story. I probably just happened to see the dogs outside a few minutes after they had been tied. I could walk away and the dogs could be brought inside right after.
However, if you are someone who keeps their dogs outside every day, I am only going to say this: if you did not want to take care of your dog, you should not have one.

It is concerning, saddening and maddening to see that a dog is outside in the heat while their owners are enjoying the cool, central air inside. These poor animals probably want to be curled up inside next to their owner, but are instead risking heatstroke.

Please take care of your pets, especially in scorching times like these. If for any reason you cannot have them inside, make sure your dogs are somewhere with a lot of shade, a lot of food and a whole lot of water. Check on them as much as possible. If you are not able to provide for your dog, give it to someone who can. Do not be selfish.

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